Separating Your Self-Worth From Your Career

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A while ago, I took a call in as a customer care agent and the customer said a lot of things. I felt quite bad. I had a very sour mood all through the day. After a series of incidents occurring this way, I decided to get the better of it. There is me as an individual, and there is me acting as a customer care agent. They are two different things. 

Don’t let your self-worth be determined by your career.

My experience is not so much different from what countless women face. It can be your boss berating you or a co-staff undervaluing your work. Don’t let it get to you. If you were not good enough, you’d not be in the position you are. You just may have outgrown the position you are in. 

What I eventually started to feel in my case is that I started questioning how the other person must have felt. You must have reached a breaking point before picking up your phone, calling the customer care agent and screaming your voice out. They may just be having a bad day. It doesn’t have to affect me personally. After all, I am doing what I am meant to and I am not defined by my job.

If it’s an intra-work scenario, I can always remove myself from such scenarios. Once it’s repeated, it just might not be a bad day but just signs of a bully looking for who to size up as weak.

If you attach your value to your job, you’d find yourself continuously overthinking every single work email that comes in.

What can you do:

  1. Don’t take work home.

  2. Develop compassion for yourself.

  3. Stop hating your job.

  4. Always be ready to make a pivot or change your job, when necessary.

  5. Remember that everything is for your personal growth and development.

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