Why You Should Affirm Your Way Through 2022

Photo of business woman

Are you a big believer in affirmation? Or perhaps you don't realize that the words we speak have the power to shape our existence and experience? The more we say, the more we believe, and the more we believe, the more we see. 

This is some deep level of aspire-to-perspire talk (motivational speech), but it is what it is, and it is true. Words have tremendous power. 


I'd like to share seven quick reasons why you should use affirmations more this year than you have in the past. 

1. It keeps you in a positive frame of mind. 

2. It becomes difficult for you to be swayed by external circumstances. 

3. Affirming yourself gives you strength and clarity. 

4. Repeating what you want all the time keeps you focused on achieving it. 5. It helps to put things into perspective. 

6. If you are spiritual, you are most undoubtedly praying and strengthening your faith and hope. 

7. Affirmation stimulates goal-oriented motivation. 

It may become bumpy as the year progresses, but don't be nervous to affirm. Especially if you own a business or are pursuing a career or your education. There is no smooth ride, but there is a part where you decide how things will work for you, deciding where you want to focus your attention, and not allowing anything to shake your stance. 

You should affirm yourself more frequently in 2022. Affirmations can be used for your business, job, health, education, career, and even relationships. However, stay away from toxic positivity. Understand when you need to act and when you need to speak. 

This year is ours to take. Something I read on the internet caught my attention. It said, "even coronavirus has changed itself." So, why should you not? 

Have a fantastic year. Don't forget to affirm and say it aloud.

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