New Year's Changes Challenge

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Here 2021 has arrived, and 2020 was like experiencing riding on an amusement park ride for the first time. Being quarantined due to a pandemic, then facing a loss on many levels was draining. With things happening unexpectedly, this has put a clear vision into a different view. Now would be an opportune time to realign and readjust some things in life.

Most people generally tend to adopt typical New Year’s resolutions: working out, dieting, and quitting smoking, with these ranking in the top. On average, about 8% actually follow through successfully, and the remainder slacks after the first 30 days. While it’s easy to fall off the wave, we should do better for our own well-being. It’s time we flip the script so we’re thriving better not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.

So, I am challenging myself and anyone else who’s willing to implement some changes for the New Year:

  1. Achieve goals that are easily attainable and track the progress.

  2. Dedicate time to read more books.

  3. Decrease screen time online.

  4. Incorporate more fresh fruits/veggies and water into the diet.

  5. Schedule time for daily physical activity.

  6. Check up on family and friends more often.

  7. Commit to learning something new and engage in such activity.

  8. Implement more time in prayer/meditation, and rest.

As 2021 starts to gain momentum, staying focused, and putting these new changes into play will inevitably help keep our minds sharp. Our mental and physical health should be of the utmost importance in maintaining a healthy life balance. We have the power to arm ourselves with a vast amount of resources readily available. I am looking forward to brighter days ahead overcoming most, if not all challenges. Despite present times, we'll end up on top.   

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