10 Tips To Boss Up Your Networth

10 Tips To Boss Up Your Networth

Sale Price:$10.00 Original Price:$20.00

Money Is Not A Destination

The first mistake we make with money, is looking at it as a final destination. 'Life would be so much easier if I had more money', 'I just need to make more money'. The sayings go on and on. I implore you to look at money as a journey, and set financial goals as temporary resting stops along that journey. Money is an evolving process. In this book, we dive into 10 practical ways to retain more money and increase your net worth. It's ok to feel stuck, but it is not ok to stay stuck. Let's talk money, let's talk implementation, then let's go execute!

Face Your Finances

There will never be a better time to work on your financial plan than this moment, right now. You deserve to not only make money, but keep it, and grow it. Share this guide with your colleague, your sister, your friends.

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